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Wingspan: 3.6m, 143"

Length: 1565mm, 61.5"

Weight: 1.6g, 54oz

Airfoil: E193

3 ch: Rudder, Elevator, Spoiler

Electric option included


The Foxbat design comes from Pete's youth. Yes at a very young age Pete was designing models. The Foxbat was designed originally in 1979 where it was campaigned on the competition circuit. It’s classic aspect ratio coupled with light wing loading makes it a wonderful Sailplane to fly. The kit is a fully authentic version of the original design, no compromise has been made to ensure its classic retro shape. If your into nostalgic competition you can’t look past the Foxbat. It’s very competitive with several National championships against its name. Super easy to build and can be flown as a electric or pure Sailplane. Although the Foxbat has a large wingspan, the wing disassembles into 3 pieces allowing it to fit in most vehicles with ease.. Kit includes all laser cut wood parts, all wood stock and skins for wings. Also included is a full size plan, electric motor install components and basic hardware for completion.

Completion Items:


Rud/Elev 2 x SPMSA5060

Spoiler 2 x SPMSA7020

Receiver SPMAR9030T

Flight pack SPMB1450LFRX



    We love when people show interest in our kits; it means people are building things again, and that makes us happy! Although we would like to have inventory of all our kits, it's often difficult to achieve due to fluctuating demands aligned with our manufacturing capabilities. We are only a small business, so we apologize in advance if your kit is not in stock when you place your order. However, we assure you we will get it done in a timely manner. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Peter Goldsmith

    Please Note:

    © 2018 by Peter Goldsmith Designs. Illustrations by Caroline Goldsmith

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